28 February 2006

Lent: Retreating Into the Wilderness with Jesus

Lent...the very word sends shudders through many Catholics; and yet, here we are on the eve of another Lenten season. I personally like Lent (not so much for the dying part, but for the rising again, for obvious reasons). In some ways it can get you back on track from those unfulfilled New Years resolutions, but it also is a time for preparation, kind of like Spring cleaning.

So today, because of Lent's impending presence, my free time was spent researching fish recipes. You know, because Fridays for the next seven weeks become "Fish Fridays!" Yum! My poor husband, marrying a Catholic, did he really know what he was getting into? So the best recipe of the day that I found was for a crab souffle...we'll let you know how it turns out.

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