So over a month has passed since our last post, and I've just awoken from a Peep induced slumber. It didn't help that for my birthday, my sister and her family gave me copious amounts of peeps - just when I thought I had run out. So in an effort to catch you up on our goings on in May, I'll give you a quick run down of the highlights.
Went to Seattle
Saw a play that was lit by my FIL (Father in Law for you non-acronym knowing people. I spend way too much time on post wedding boards! Ack!)
My Birthday - Wow! I'm getting old! (But Rick will always be older! Ha Ha Ha.)
Took a ferry to San Juan Island.
Drove around said island and discussed plans to quit jobs and move to the island and live there forever.
Got drunk at a wine tasting while waiting to take the Ferry back.
Drunkenly laughed at a small child on a bicycle, free-basing pixie-stiks and riding his bike into traffic.
Laughed at the same child on the ferry as his pixie-stik induced sugar high had him running back and forth from one end of the boat to another.
Laughed as the same child fell off the boat.
(Just kidding, we didn't laugh.)
Rick got a new camera and has taken many, many photos. Some of which you can view here.
I'm sure many other exciting things happened in May, but I can't think of any right now. I just wanted to get another post up, so I could stop feeling so darn guilty.
We'll try to get back to a regular posting schedule one of these days!
P.S. The little kid didn't really fall off the boat. But I bet I made you gasp out loud!